A portion of Elder Barker's letter, dated July 8th,
The devotional on Sunday was absolutely amazing. We got to hear from Jenny Oaks Baker. She shared her testimony and some life experiences, and performed a piece for each principle she testified of. Her music is absolutely amazing. We heard her play around 3 or 4 songs, and she had her three children play a musical number as well. They played I Am a Child of God. They played piano, cello, and violin. What a musically inclined family. Speaking of music, our district is performing a musical number in sacrament meeting on Sunday. We are singing Nearer My God To Thee in Spanish, A cappella. I must admit, we're pretty much amazing.
At the Tuesday devotional we heard from Cree-L Kofford, Emeritus Seventy. He was actually kind of funny. He spoke on obedience and discerning the spirit. I find it interesting that a principle does not truly become a part of your testimony until you put it into practice. Like my experience of learning how to serve others for the purpose of coming closer to Christ, rather than just doing it because it's 'good'. Finding opportunities to serve before I came here was incredible. As I gave of myself, I was happier, and now that I completely give everything I am to this great work, I'm the happiest I have ever been. Sure there are hard times, but none of them compare to the joy I feel.
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