Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

    Well I should start out this week by mentioning that I am now in Valdivia.  On Wednesday during the afternoon we were visiting Miguel, a less active member (because he is sick in bed because of his age), when President Rappleye called.  He asked me how our plans were for the afternoon, and I informed him we had only one appointment.  He asked if it could be changed for another day because he had something he wanted me to do.  He then went on to say how he knew me as a sort of "minute-man" and that he could rely on me.  I could only imagine what would follow shortly after a statement like that.  He then asked if I could have my bags ready within an hour and a half because he was sending the assistants to Pucòn to pick me up.  We ended the conversation and quickly ran home to pack my bags.  I plugged in the camera to charge a little and started filling bags.  We took a break and ran to the two houses we could reach so I could say goobye and then ran to pick up my clothes from the branch president's house.  We arrived at home and finished packing up the bags.  The assistants arrived around 10pm and dropped off Elder Malaver to stay in Pucòn.  We arrived in Valdivia around midnight.
     I am now here in the sector Laurel (the same church building as Martìnez de Rosas where I was a year ago).  My companions name is Elder Balbuena from Mexico, and we are serving here as the zone leaders of Calle-Calle.  It has been a really interesting change.